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Qoute : From Pencak Silat Founder

Sepuluh Butir Mutiara Dari Bapak Pembina Pencak Silat Presiden Kedua Republik Indonesia Muhammad Soeharto.
Ten Qoute From Pencak Silat Founder Bapak Muhammad Soeharto The Second President of Republic Indonesia.
  1. Excavation of silat as one of the Malay race and cultural roots that are rich in variety and patterns and are loaded with noble values​​, to be carried out continuously.
  2. Preservation Pencak Silat as traditional culture that still preserve the purity of the teachings of the ancestors formed his character and personal character.
  3. Martial construction in all its aspects in order to stay directed to God the Almighty, noble character and devoted kindness to parents, community and nation.
  4. Martial expansion to remain directed effort to improve the welfare and human dignity, the ability to persist in self and gain performance.
  5. Stabilization of Pencak Silat as a shared responsibility to be implemented in such a way through the various efforts that attract the role of various stakeholders from the region and the source of the Pencak Silat in the world.
  6. Pencak Silat  increase to be directed not only to increase technical and performance, but also increase the overall value contained practicing  Pencak Silat  can improve quality of life.
  7. Pencak Silat with the progress of the application of science and technology continue to be done without sliding intrinsic values ​​through various efforts to Martial arts research and trials.
  8. Pencak Silat  behavior as role models, should be continuously maintained to protect welfare and dignity of Martial arts.
  9. Harmony and unity between the elements of Pencak Silat and Pencak Silat assocation source is absolutely to keep flies the banner of the greatness of Pencak Silat.
  10. Pencak Silat appearance in its development in the the country should be carried out as befits the duties and responsibilities of cultural ambassador.
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