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Who Is Who : Sifu / Guro J. Moya

Jesus Moya began Taekwondo training with 10 years of age, almost 15 years until he suffered a car accident he was going to be out of martial arts 1 year, as they had to reconstruct the entire tibia and fibula hand, there was when I started with the weights and thought what would happen in case you can not use their legs in a fight (because in most work is TKD leg).

At 16 he began training in Judo and Full Contact, participating in local fights, inter-gyms ... always with the desire to improve and investigate failures in the various distances.

At age 18 he enlisted for military service in the General Air Academy (AGA). At graduation he wanted to enter the VIP protection.

Titration study was handling Explosives Safety and Security VIP'sy Cadres title.

He spent several years working in the Basque Country Escort (officially recognized and congratulated the professional merits protection and VIP escort).

In that period he trained a number of disciplines, long distance / half full contact and in the medium / short judo / jujitsu / sambo and that's when he discovered the Panantukan (Filipino boxing) at the hands of a training partner. He liked the way of combining elbows, hammer, gunting ... and that's when for "striking distance" Full Contact supplanted by Panantukan.

After leaving the Basque Country and get off the lift area as Chief Inspector Security and Professor of Technical and Vocational Areas and Protection, appointed by the Ministry of the Interior, was when he met Manuel Noriega, Chief Instructor of Jeet Kune Do Spain and International Dragons of The World (Manuel Noriega later appointed Jesus Moya Gold Phase Instructor in Jeet Kune Do and MMA and a member of the International Association Drangons of The World, part of the JKD Spain), which trained him his way of seeing the Jeet Kune Do (Jesus never liked the traditionalists, always looking for the lack of discipline to complement it with other techniques, always thought the Jeet Kune Do is a philosophy of life and training, seeking simplicity but always with maximum efficiency) specializing in PANGAMUT & MMA, was when he decided to investigate all possibilities for all distances.

Training with Grand Masters (both in Europe and the U.S.) as :

  • Dan Inosanto, 
  • Marc Denny (Dog Brothers), 
  • Erik Paulson, 
  • Yori Nakamura, 
  • with the late Larry Hartsell and 
  • grand master, Salvatore Oliva 
who spent some years as a student and instructor getting the level of the Professional Fighting System.
Over the years trained the following disciplines:

  • Jeet Kune Do 
  • JUDO
  • Defend / KRAV MAGA (for the police issue)
In 2006 created the Warriors of JKD in J. Moya Academy, with the base and philosophy of JKD but with a system to fight harder.

Rather than "style" is a way of thinking, researching, learning and training, is not a simple "mix" of various systems and forms of combat sports.

Having as main base:

  • Working empty-handed: 
  • Pangamut (Panantukan: Filipino Boxing, Sikaran: Pateo, Dumog: Grapplin Wrestling)
  • Energy drills (chi sao, hubud, siko, ...)
  • trapping
  • grappling
  • Maphilindo Silat,
  • Jiu-Jitsu,
  • Shoot Wrestling ...
  • Kali - Skrima - Arnis (Lacoste System) 
  • Double and Single Stick-Sinawali,
  • Knife-Knife
For reasons of facility expansion, because during these years there have been dozens of seminars, courses Forces of State Security and also creating the Professional Warriors Fighting-MMA Evolution for racing, decided to set up with his wife (Johanna Alonso ) the Warriors Academy Elche (Spain) - Academy of Martial Arts and Combat Sports.

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